UR Wizards Control(Modern)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月22日 21:11
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
栄光の闘技場/Arena of Glory | 2 | \1200.0 | \2400.0 | \1935.4 | \3870.8 |
滝の断崖/Cascade Bluffs | 1 | \80.0 | \80.0 | \469.6 | \469.6 |
対抗呪文/Counterspell | 4 | \30.0 | \120.0 | \328.0 | \1311.9 |
弾けるドレイク/Crackling Drake | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \62.9 | \125.7 |
表現の反復/Expressive Iteration | 2 | \80.0 | \160.0 | \341.2 | \682.4 |
アノールの焔/Flame of Anor | 4 | \700.0 | \2800.0 | \1143.4 | \4573.6 |
拒絶の閃光/Flare of Denial | 3 | \980.0 | \2940.0 | \1970.3 | \5911.0 |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 4 | \1130.0 | \4520.0 | \3133.3 | \12533.4 |
電気放出/Galvanic Discharge | 3 | \45.0 | \135.0 | \127.7 | \383.0 |
島/Island | 3 | \10.0 | \30.0 | \47.6 | \142.9 |
コジレックの帰還/Kozilek's Return | 1 | \1000.0 | \1000.0 | \1355.4 | \1355.4 |
稲妻/Lightning Bolt | 4 | \70.0 | \280.0 | \403.0 | \1612.1 |
汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | 1 | \1200.0 | \1200.0 | \3783.0 | \3783.0 |
定業/Preordain | 4 | \108.0 | \432.0 | \445.4 | \1781.7 |
沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | 4 | \2180.0 | \8720.0 | \3811.1 | \15244.4 |
朦朧への没入/Sink into Stupor | 1 | \840.0 | \840.0 | \1193.0 | \1193.0 |
瞬唱の魔道士/Snapcaster Mage | 4 | \1080.0 | \4320.0 | \2429.0 | \9716.0 |
呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | 3 | \690.0 | \2070.0 | \1088.1 | \3264.4 |
尖塔断の運河/Spirebluff Canal | 1 | \480.0 | \480.0 | \874.9 | \874.9 |
蒸気孔/Steam Vents | 3 | \1580.0 | \4740.0 | \3065.4 | \9196.3 |
轟音の滝/Thundering Falls | 2 | \2000.0 | \4000.0 | \2679.6 | \5359.2 |
稲妻罠の教練者/Thundertrap Trainer | 4 | \200.0 | \800.0 | \711.4 | \2845.4 | 60 | \42107.0 | \86230.2 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
血染めの月/Blood Moon | 2 | \826.0 | \1652.0 | \1757.7 | \3515.3 |
記憶への放逐/Consign to Memory | 3 | \1250.0 | \3750.0 | \1599.5 | \4798.6 |
否定の力/Force of Negation | 1 | \6980.0 | \6980.0 | \8778.0 | \8778.0 |
黒曜石の焦がし口/Obsidian Charmaw | 2 | \160.0 | \320.0 | \357.9 | \715.7 |
紅蓮地獄/Pyroclasm | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \137.3 | \137.3 |
厳しい説教/Stern Scolding | 3 | \80.0 | \240.0 | \244.7 | \734.2 |
外科的摘出/Surgical Extraction | 1 | \480.0 | \480.0 | \1058.8 | \1058.8 |
ヴェンディリオン三人衆/Vendilion Clique | 2 | \250.0 | \500.0 | \446.8 | \893.6 | 15 | \13952.0 | \20631.5 |