Rb Leyline Aggro(Standard:DMU-DFT)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月18日 21:48
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
黒割れの崖/Blackcleave Cliffs | 4 | \405.0 | \1620.0 | \751.6 | \3006.5 |
騒音の悪獣/Cacophony Scamp | 4 | \70.0 | \280.0 | \192.1 | \768.5 |
無感情の売剣/Callous Sell-Sword | 3 | \50.0 | \150.0 | \147.6 | \442.7 |
熾火心の挑戦者/Emberheart Challenger | 4 | \550.0 | \2200.0 | \899.0 | \3595.9 |
心火の英雄/Heartfire Hero | 4 | \260.0 | \1040.0 | \358.2 | \1432.7 |
残響の力線/Leyline of Resonance | 4 | \130.0 | \520.0 | \377.5 | \1509.9 |
多様な鼠/Manifold Mouse | 4 | \180.0 | \720.0 | \734.6 | \2938.5 |
弱者の力/Might of the Meek | 4 | \20.0 | \80.0 | \48.8 | \195.1 |
巨怪の怒り/Monstrous Rage | 4 | \270.0 | \1080.0 | \431.4 | \1725.7 |
山/Mountain | 10 | \9.0 | \90.0 | \43.8 | \437.6 |
不穏な火道/Restless Vents | 2 | \80.0 | \160.0 | \181.4 | \362.8 |
岩面村/Rockface Village | 1 | \50.0 | \50.0 | \113.9 | \113.9 |
叫ぶ宿敵/Screaming Nemesis | 4 | \2780.0 | \11120.0 | \3316.0 | \13264.0 |
硫黄泉/Sulfurous Springs | 4 | \252.0 | \1008.0 | \543.5 | \2174.0 |
裏の裏まで/Turn Inside Out | 4 | \30.0 | \120.0 | \73.4 | \293.8 | 60 | \20238.0 | \32261.5 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
強迫/Duress | 3 | \9.0 | \27.0 | \41.9 | \125.6 |
喉首狙い/Go for the Throat | 1 | \80.0 | \80.0 | \191.1 | \191.1 |
虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | 4 | \120.0 | \480.0 | \476.4 | \1905.8 |
陽背骨のオオヤマネコ/Sunspine Lynx | 4 | \110.0 | \440.0 | \368.0 | \1472.0 |
塔の点火/Torch the Tower | 3 | \220.0 | \660.0 | \378.4 | \1135.3 | 15 | \1687.0 | \4829.9 |