WB Zombies(Pioneer)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月17日 14:07
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
ブリーチボーンの境界/Bleachbone Verge | 4 | \690.0 | \2760.0 | \1127.6 | \4510.4 |
陽光昇りの小道/Brightclimb Pathway | 2 | \180.0 | \360.0 | \376.7 | \753.4 |
魂の洞窟/Cavern of Souls | 2 | \5750.0 | \11500.0 | \7330.9 | \14661.9 |
滅びし者の勇者/Champion of the Perished | 4 | \80.0 | \320.0 | \201.2 | \804.7 |
秘密の中庭/Concealed Courtyard | 4 | \110.0 | \440.0 | \291.4 | \1165.4 |
墓所破り/Cryptbreaker | 4 | \100.0 | \400.0 | \310.8 | \1243.3 |
闇の救済/Dark Salvation | 4 | \40.0 | \160.0 | \77.0 | \308.0 |
戦慄の放浪者/Dread Wanderer | 3 | \50.0 | \150.0 | \121.7 | \365.0 |
致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | 4 | \420.0 | \1680.0 | \678.3 | \2713.4 |
神無き祭殿/Godless Shrine | 4 | \1020.0 | \4080.0 | \1774.5 | \7098.1 |
目玉の暴君の住処/Hive of the Eye Tyrant | 2 | \304.0 | \608.0 | \568.1 | \1136.2 |
無情な死者/Relentless Dead | 3 | \350.0 | \1050.0 | \824.3 | \2472.9 |
密輸人の回転翼機/Smuggler's Copter | 1 | \340.0 | \340.0 | \604.6 | \604.6 |
沼/Swamp | 5 | \10.0 | \50.0 | \45.6 | \228.2 |
思考囲い/Thoughtseize | 4 | \1800.0 | \7200.0 | \3001.0 | \12004.0 |
止められぬ斬鬼/Unstoppable Slasher | 3 | \150.0 | \450.0 | \387.1 | \1161.3 |
ヨーグモスの墳墓、アーボーグ/Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth | 1 | \3100.0 | \3100.0 | \4553.8 | \4553.8 |
むら気な召使い/Wayward Servant | 4 | \30.0 | \120.0 | \81.0 | \323.8 |
去りし栄光、ザフール/Zahur, Glory's Past | 2 | \30.0 | \60.0 | \59.9 | \119.9 | 60 | \34828.0 | \56228.3 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
激しい恐怖/Crippling Fear | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \69.3 | \138.6 |
強迫/Duress | 3 | \10.0 | \30.0 | \37.7 | \113.1 |
失せろ/Get Lost | 2 | \790.0 | \1580.0 | \1422.5 | \2845.0 |
ゲトの裏切り者、カリタス/Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet | 2 | \470.0 | \940.0 | \894.9 | \1789.7 |
虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | 2 | \120.0 | \240.0 | \503.4 | \1006.7 |
ヴェールのリリアナ/Liliana of the Veil | 2 | \1400.0 | \2800.0 | \2361.0 | \4722.1 |
幽霊による庇護/Sheltered by Ghosts | 2 | \200.0 | \400.0 | \414.0 | \828.0 | 15 | \6030.0 | \11443.2 |