Tarmo Twin(Modern)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月12日 15:43
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
耐え抜くもの、母聖樹/Boseiju, Who Endures | 1 | \3555.0 | \3555.0 | \4730.0 | \4730.0 |
跳ねる混成体/Bounding Krasis | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \51.3 | \102.6 |
繁殖池/Breeding Pool | 1 | \1380.0 | \1380.0 | \2623.7 | \2623.7 |
滝の断崖/Cascade Bluffs | 1 | \180.0 | \180.0 | \498.6 | \498.6 |
対抗呪文/Counterspell | 4 | \15.0 | \60.0 | \308.7 | \1234.6 |
詐欺師の総督/Deceiver Exarch | 3 | \25.0 | \75.0 | \195.3 | \586.0 |
表現の反復/Expressive Iteration | 2 | \90.0 | \180.0 | \346.9 | \693.8 |
アノールの焔/Flame of Anor | 2 | \580.0 | \1160.0 | \1147.5 | \2295.0 |
否定の力/Force of Negation | 2 | \7900.0 | \15800.0 | \9153.3 | \18306.6 |
迷路庭園/Hedge Maze | 1 | \2500.0 | \2500.0 | \3187.9 | \3187.9 |
島/Island | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \46.6 | \46.6 |
稲妻/Lightning Bolt | 4 | \100.0 | \400.0 | \432.4 | \1729.6 |
霧深い雨林/Misty Rainforest | 4 | \2180.0 | \8720.0 | \3705.2 | \14820.7 |
山/Mountain | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \43.9 | \43.9 |
天上都市、大田原/Otawara, Soaring City | 1 | \1590.0 | \1590.0 | \2702.5 | \2702.5 |
定業/Preordain | 4 | \108.0 | \432.0 | \437.1 | \1748.4 |
沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | 4 | \2680.0 | \10720.0 | \3927.2 | \15708.7 |
朦朧への没入/Sink into Stupor | 1 | \880.0 | \880.0 | \1369.2 | \1369.2 |
瞬唱の魔道士/Snapcaster Mage | 2 | \1264.0 | \2528.0 | \2530.6 | \5061.3 |
呪文貫き/Spell Pierce | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \84.2 | \84.2 |
呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | 2 | \800.0 | \1600.0 | \1095.9 | \2191.9 |
欠片の双子/Splinter Twin | 4 | \690.0 | \2760.0 | \1130.8 | \4523.2 |
蒸気孔/Steam Vents | 2 | \1400.0 | \2800.0 | \3056.0 | \6112.0 |
踏み鳴らされる地/Stomping Ground | 1 | \1068.0 | \1068.0 | \2165.2 | \2165.2 |
知りたがりの学徒、タミヨウ/Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student | 3 | \7200.0 | \21600.0 | \8873.6 | \26620.7 |
タルモゴイフ/Tarmogoyf | 4 | \400.0 | \1600.0 | \2046.6 | \8186.4 |
轟音の滝/Thundering Falls | 1 | \2200.0 | \2200.0 | \2744.7 | \2744.7 |
樹木茂る山麓/Wooded Foothills | 1 | \1280.0 | \1280.0 | \2840.8 | \2840.8 | 60 | \85118.0 | \132959.1 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
古えの遺恨/Ancient Grudge | 1 | \20.0 | \20.0 | \72.8 | \72.8 |
記憶への放逐/Consign to Memory | 4 | \1100.0 | \4400.0 | \1713.7 | \6854.7 |
除霊用掃除機/Ghost Vacuum | 1 | \850.0 | \850.0 | \1267.1 | \1267.1 |
溶融/Meltdown | 2 | \70.0 | \140.0 | \288.2 | \576.5 |
神秘の論争/Mystical Dispute | 2 | \55.0 | \110.0 | \213.0 | \426.1 |
紅蓮地獄/Pyroclasm | 2 | \30.0 | \60.0 | \137.5 | \275.1 |
外科的摘出/Surgical Extraction | 2 | \300.0 | \600.0 | \1035.2 | \2070.4 |
夏の帳/Veil of Summer | 1 | \520.0 | \520.0 | \969.4 | \969.4 | 15 | \6700.0 | \12512.0 |