5C Scapeshift(Pioneer)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月06日 21:30 (最終更新:2025年03月07日 15:37)
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
事件現場の分析者/Aftermath Analyst | 4 | \80.0 | \320.0 | \292.2 | \1168.7 |
白日の下に/Bring to Light | 4 | \30.0 | \120.0 | \135.0 | \539.9 |
斡旋屋一家の潜伏先/Brokers Hideout | 4 | \10.0 | \40.0 | \45.8 | \183.0 |
舞台座一家の中庭/Cabaretti Courtyard | 4 | \10.0 | \40.0 | \55.9 | \223.5 |
残響する深淵/Echoing Deeps | 1 | \80.0 | \80.0 | \217.8 | \217.8 |
僻境への脱出/Escape to the Wilds | 4 | \70.0 | \280.0 | \231.3 | \925.3 |
絶滅の契機/Extinction Event | 1 | \80.0 | \80.0 | \226.4 | \226.4 |
鏡割りの寓話/Fable of the Mirror-Breaker | 4 | \2080.0 | \8320.0 | \2853.3 | \11413.4 |
寓話の小道/Fabled Passage | 4 | \330.0 | \1320.0 | \606.9 | \2427.6 |
霜噛み/Frost Bite | 3 | \10.0 | \30.0 | \35.6 | \106.7 |
失せろ/Get Lost | 2 | \960.0 | \1920.0 | \1452.0 | \2903.9 |
水蓮のコブラ/Lotus Cobra | 4 | \100.0 | \400.0 | \306.5 | \1225.9 |
睡蓮の原野/Lotus Field | 2 | \720.0 | \1440.0 | \1058.9 | \2117.8 |
神秘の聖域/Mystic Sanctuary | 1 | \40.0 | \40.0 | \170.6 | \170.6 |
復活した精霊信者、ニッサ/Nissa, Resurgent Animist | 4 | \2700.0 | \10800.0 | \3608.2 | \14432.8 |
常夜会一家の店先/Obscura Storefront | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \46.9 | \93.7 |
創造の座、オムナス/Omnath, Locus of Creation | 3 | \520.0 | \1560.0 | \1065.0 | \3195.1 |
カーフェルの港/Port of Karfell | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \27.2 | \27.2 |
土建組一家の監督所/Riveteers Overlook | 4 | \10.0 | \40.0 | \51.4 | \205.6 |
風景の変容/Scapeshift | 1 | \2280.0 | \2280.0 | \2999.3 | \2999.3 |
冠雪の森/Snow-Covered Forest | 6 | \40.0 | \240.0 | \159.9 | \959.6 |
冠雪の島/Snow-Covered Island | 2 | \50.0 | \100.0 | \197.3 | \394.5 |
冠雪の山/Snow-Covered Mountain | 3 | \30.0 | \90.0 | \120.8 | \362.5 |
冠雪の平地/Snow-Covered Plains | 2 | \30.0 | \60.0 | \118.9 | \237.8 |
冠雪の沼/Snow-Covered Swamp | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \127.6 | \127.6 |
洞窟探検/Spelunking | 4 | \150.0 | \600.0 | \301.3 | \1205.2 |
見事な再生/Splendid Reclamation | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \168.6 | \168.6 |
狩猟迷宮/The Hunter Maze | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \24.5 | \24.5 |
嘘の神、ヴァルキー/Valki, God of Lies | 1 | \520.0 | \520.0 | \1075.2 | \1075.2 |
世界魂の憤怒/Worldsoul's Rage | 2 | \30.0 | \60.0 | \120.4 | \240.8 | 80 | \30880.0 | \49600.6 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
偉大なる統一者、アトラクサ/Atraxa, Grand Unifier | 2 | \3200.0 | \6400.0 | \4750.1 | \9500.1 |
轟音のクラリオン/Deafening Clarion | 1 | \50.0 | \50.0 | \104.7 | \104.7 |
失せろ/Get Lost | 1 | \960.0 | \960.0 | \1452.0 | \1452.0 |
概念泥棒/Notion Thief | 1 | \100.0 | \100.0 | \267.0 | \267.0 |
毒を選べ/Pick Your Poison | 3 | \100.0 | \300.0 | \210.3 | \630.8 |
勢団の銀行破り/Reckoner Bankbuster | 2 | \100.0 | \200.0 | \294.7 | \589.4 |
引き裂く流弾/Rending Volley | 2 | \70.0 | \140.0 | \274.6 | \549.1 |
未認可霊柩車/Unlicensed Hearse | 2 | \342.0 | \684.0 | \600.2 | \1200.4 |
空を放浪するもの、ヨーリオン/Yorion, Sky Nomad | 1 | \20.0 | \20.0 | \164.5 | \164.5 | 15 | \8854.0 | \14458.0 |