Dimir Control(Standard:DMU-DSK)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月05日 16:05
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
最深の裏切り、アクロゾズ/Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal | 2 | \800.0 | \1600.0 | \1118.1 | \2236.3 |
苦痛ある選定/Anoint with Affliction | 2 | \130.0 | \260.0 | \213.2 | \426.3 |
残虐爪の強奪/Cruelclaw's Heist | 2 | \80.0 | \160.0 | \163.3 | \326.7 |
切り崩し/Cut Down | 3 | \120.0 | \360.0 | \276.0 | \828.1 |
闇滑りの岸/Darkslick Shores | 4 | \590.0 | \2360.0 | \1081.1 | \4324.6 |
死人に口無し/Deadly Cover-Up | 2 | \120.0 | \240.0 | \373.0 | \746.0 |
推理/Deduce | 4 | \20.0 | \80.0 | \68.8 | \275.1 |
解体爆破場/Demolition Field | 2 | \100.0 | \200.0 | \214.5 | \428.9 |
噴水港/Fountainport | 2 | \600.0 | \1200.0 | \1203.4 | \2406.8 |
グルームレイクの境界/Gloomlake Verge | 4 | \890.0 | \3560.0 | \1693.1 | \6772.4 |
喉首狙い/Go for the Throat | 3 | \70.0 | \210.0 | \213.3 | \639.8 |
島/Island | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \47.0 | \47.0 |
逃げ場なし/Nowhere to Run | 2 | \150.0 | \300.0 | \247.6 | \495.2 |
幻影の干渉/Phantom Interference | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \64.0 | \128.0 |
不穏な浅瀬/Restless Reef | 4 | \280.0 | \1120.0 | \558.7 | \2234.6 |
シェオルドレッドの勅令/Sheoldred's Edict | 2 | \171.0 | \342.0 | \352.9 | \705.8 |
呪文渦/Spellgyre | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \33.6 | \67.3 |
冷静なスフィンクス/Stoic Sphinx | 3 | \50.0 | \150.0 | \122.7 | \368.0 |
沼/Swamp | 3 | \10.0 | \30.0 | \45.8 | \137.3 |
三歩先/Three Steps Ahead | 4 | \1190.0 | \4760.0 | \1602.8 | \6411.3 |
地底街の下水道/Undercity Sewers | 4 | \4580.0 | \18320.0 | \6004.6 | \24018.5 |
地底の大河/Underground River | 2 | \432.0 | \864.0 | \911.3 | \1822.6 |
執念の徳目/Virtue of Persistence | 1 | \990.0 | \990.0 | \1585.1 | \1585.1 | 60 | \37176.0 | \57431.6 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
残虐爪の強奪/Cruelclaw's Heist | 2 | \80.0 | \160.0 | \163.3 | \326.7 |
強迫/Duress | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \37.4 | \74.7 |
除霊用掃除機/Ghost Vacuum | 2 | \850.0 | \1700.0 | \1236.2 | \2472.5 |
否認/Negate | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \30.9 | \61.8 |
分派の説教者/Preacher of the Schism | 2 | \640.0 | \1280.0 | \861.5 | \1723.0 |
黙示録、シェオルドレッド/Sheoldred, the Apocalypse | 2 | \7280.0 | \14560.0 | \9881.9 | \19763.8 |
ティシャーナの潮縛り/Tishana's Tidebinder | 3 | \680.0 | \2040.0 | \1131.7 | \3395.0 | 15 | \19780.0 | \27817.5 |