uBG Turbo Fog(Pauper)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年03月03日 14:29
uBG Turbo Fog(Pauper) | Khalni Black | |||
やせた原野/Barren Moor | (+1) | 1 | やせた原野/Barren Moor | |
黒竜門/Black Dragon Gate | 3 | (-3) | 黒竜門/Black Dragon Gate | |
血の泉/Blood Fountain | (+2) | 2 | 血の泉/Blood Fountain | |
ボジューカの沼/Bojuka Bog | 1 | 1 | ボジューカの沼/Bojuka Bog | |
焚火/Campfire | 3 | (-3) | 焚火/Campfire | |
喪心/Cast Down | (+3) | 3 | 喪心/Cast Down | |
チェイナーの布告/Chainer's Edict | (+4) | 4 | チェイナーの布告/Chainer's Edict | |
墓所のネズミ/Crypt Rats | 2 | (+1) | 3 | 墓所のネズミ/Crypt Rats |
暗黒/Darkness | 1 | (-1) | 暗黒/Darkness | |
命取りの論争/Deadly Dispute | 4 | 4 | 命取りの論争/Deadly Dispute | |
神への債務/Debt to the Kami | (+1) | 1 | 神への債務/Debt to the Kami | |
見栄え損ない/Disfigure | (+1) | 1 | 見栄え損ない/Disfigure | |
腸抜きの洞察/Eviscerator's Insight | 4 | (-4) | 腸抜きの洞察/Eviscerator's Insight | |
森/Forest | 2 | (-2) | 森/Forest | |
ゴルガリの腐敗農場/Golgari Rot Farm | 1 | 1 | ゴルガリの腐敗農場/Golgari Rot Farm | |
グルマグのアンコウ/Gurmag Angler | (+1) | 1 | グルマグのアンコウ/Gurmag Angler | |
岡門/Heap Gate | 4 | (-4) | 岡門/Heap Gate | |
山積みの収穫/Heaped Harvest | 1 | (-1) | 山積みの収穫/Heaped Harvest | |
胆液の水源/Ichor Wellspring | 4 | 4 | 胆液の水源/Ichor Wellspring | |
カルニの庭/Khalni Garden | 3 | 3 | カルニの庭/Khalni Garden | |
レンバス/Lembas | 4 | (-4) | レンバス/Lembas | |
屋敷門/Manor Gate | 3 | (-3) | 屋敷門/Manor Gate | |
一瞬の平和/Moment's Peace | 4 | (-4) | 一瞬の平和/Moment's Peace | |
虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb | 1 | 1 | 虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb | |
オルゾフの聖堂/Orzhov Basilica | (+2) | 2 | オルゾフの聖堂/Orzhov Basilica | |
ムラーサの胎動/Pulse of Murasa | (+1) | 1 | ムラーサの胎動/Pulse of Murasa | |
勢団の取り引き/Reckoner's Bargain | (+4) | 4 | 勢団の取り引き/Reckoner's Bargain | |
殺し/Snuff Out | (+2) | 2 | 殺し/Snuff Out | |
闇の旋動/Spinning Darkness | (+2) | 2 | 闇の旋動/Spinning Darkness | |
思考の流れ/Stream of Thought | 1 | (-1) | 思考の流れ/Stream of Thought | |
息詰まる噴煙/Suffocating Fumes | (+1) | 1 | 息詰まる噴煙/Suffocating Fumes | |
沼/Swamp | 5 | (+5) | 10 | 沼/Swamp |
もつれ/Tangle | 3 | (-3) | もつれ/Tangle | |
黒薔薇の棘/Thorn of the Black Rose | (+1) | 1 | 黒薔薇の棘/Thorn of the Black Rose | |
侵入者への呪い/Trespasser's Curse | 3 | (-3) | 侵入者への呪い/Trespasser's Curse | |
予想外の牙/Unexpected Fangs | (+1) | 1 | 予想外の牙/Unexpected Fangs | |
吸血鬼の君主/Vampire Sovereign | (+2) | 2 | 吸血鬼の君主/Vampire Sovereign | |
囁きの大霊堂/Vault of Whispers | (+3) | 3 | 囁きの大霊堂/Vault of Whispers | |
嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm | 3 | (-3) | 嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm | |
萎れ/Wilt | (+1) | 1 | 萎れ/Wilt |
uBG Turbo Fog(Pauper) | Khalni Black | |||
ブレス攻撃/Breath Weapon | 3 | (-3) | ブレス攻撃/Breath Weapon | |
黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black | (+1) | 1 | 黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black | |
青の防御円/Circle of Protection: Blue | (+1) | 1 | 青の防御円/Circle of Protection: Blue | |
赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | (+1) | 1 | 赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | |
連合儀仗兵/Coalition Honor Guard | 3 | (-3) | 連合儀仗兵/Coalition Honor Guard | |
幻触落とし/Deglamer | (+3) | 3 | 幻触落とし/Deglamer | |
強迫/Duress | 2 | (+2) | 4 | 強迫/Duress |
虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb |
黒曜石の見習い僧/Obsidian Acolyte | 2 | (-2) | 黒曜石の見習い僧/Obsidian Acolyte | |
大祖始の遺産/Relic of Progenitus | (+1) | 1 | 大祖始の遺産/Relic of Progenitus | |
殺し/Snuff Out | 3 | (-3) | 殺し/Snuff Out | |
嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm | (+3) | 3 | 嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm |