UR Wizards Control(Modern)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年02月02日 18:57
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
大魔導師の魔除け/Archmage's Charm | 2 | \50.0 | \100.0 | \241.9 | \483.8 |
対抗呪文/Counterspell | 4 | \30.0 | \120.0 | \255.7 | \1022.8 |
バグベアの居住地/Den of the Bugbear | 1 | \380.0 | \380.0 | \714.9 | \714.9 |
表現の反復/Expressive Iteration | 2 | \120.0 | \240.0 | \361.4 | \722.7 |
アノールの焔/Flame of Anor | 4 | \480.0 | \1920.0 | \858.2 | \3432.7 |
拒絶の閃光/Flare of Denial | 2 | \1930.0 | \3860.0 | \2587.4 | \5174.9 |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 2 | \1200.0 | \2400.0 | \3137.4 | \6274.8 |
電気放出/Galvanic Discharge | 4 | \70.0 | \280.0 | \134.0 | \536.0 |
海の先駆け/Harbinger of the Seas | 2 | \1130.0 | \2260.0 | \1504.9 | \3009.8 |
極性の逆転/Invert Polarity | 2 | \80.0 | \160.0 | \197.7 | \395.4 |
島/Island | 3 | \10.0 | \30.0 | \45.8 | \137.5 |
稲妻/Lightning Bolt | 4 | \60.0 | \240.0 | \381.3 | \1525.0 |
山/Mountain | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \43.6 | \43.6 |
天上都市、大田原/Otawara, Soaring City | 1 | \1590.0 | \1590.0 | \2707.5 | \2707.5 |
汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | 2 | \1530.0 | \3060.0 | \4234.4 | \8468.9 |
定業/Preordain | 4 | \120.0 | \480.0 | \452.9 | \1811.5 |
沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | 4 | \2180.0 | \8720.0 | \3860.6 | \15442.2 |
瞬唱の魔道士/Snapcaster Mage | 4 | \1300.0 | \5200.0 | \2661.1 | \10644.3 |
呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | 2 | \780.0 | \1560.0 | \1151.9 | \2303.9 |
蒸気孔/Steam Vents | 4 | \1680.0 | \6720.0 | \3075.4 | \12301.5 |
轟音の滝/Thundering Falls | 2 | \1700.0 | \3400.0 | \2427.2 | \4854.4 |
稲妻罠の教練者/Thundertrap Trainer | 4 | \200.0 | \800.0 | \946.2 | \3784.8 | 60 | \43530.0 | \85793.0 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
記憶への放逐/Consign to Memory | 4 | \1380.0 | \5520.0 | \1765.7 | \7062.8 |
野火/Flashfires | 1 | \20.0 | \20.0 | \54.8 | \54.8 |
海の先駆け/Harbinger of the Seas | 2 | \1130.0 | \2260.0 | \1504.9 | \3009.8 |
神秘の論争/Mystical Dispute | 2 | \50.0 | \100.0 | \215.9 | \431.8 |
紅蓮地獄/Pyroclasm | 3 | \30.0 | \90.0 | \145.0 | \434.9 |
厳しい説教/Stern Scolding | 3 | \80.0 | \240.0 | \245.0 | \734.9 | 15 | \8230.0 | \11729.0 |