Mono-Black Depths(Legacy)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年01月29日 15:34
Mono-Black Depths(Legacy) | Confidant Tendrils | |||
Ancestral Recall | (+1) | 1 | Ancestral Recall | |
古えの墳墓/Ancient Tomb | 2 | (-2) | 古えの墳墓/Ancient Tomb | |
Bazaar of Baghdad | (+2) | 2 | Bazaar of Baghdad | |
ブラック・ロータス/Black Lotus | (+1) | 1 | ブラック・ロータス/Black Lotus | |
血染めのぬかるみ/Bloodstained Mire | (+3) | 3 | 血染めのぬかるみ/Bloodstained Mire | |
陰謀団のピット/Cabal Pit | (+1) | 1 | 陰謀団のピット/Cabal Pit | |
陰謀団の儀式/Cabal Ritual | (+4) | 4 | 陰謀団の儀式/Cabal Ritual | |
陰謀団式療法/Cabal Therapy | (+4) | 4 | 陰謀団式療法/Cabal Therapy | |
闇の腹心/Dark Confidant | 4 | 4 | 闇の腹心/Dark Confidant | |
暗黒の深部/Dark Depths | 4 | (-4) | 暗黒の深部/Dark Depths | |
暗黒の儀式/Dark Ritual | 4 | 4 | 暗黒の儀式/Dark Ritual | |
ダウスィーの虚空歩き/Dauthi Voidwalker | 4 | (-4) | ダウスィーの虚空歩き/Dauthi Voidwalker | |
Demonic Consultation | (+1) | 1 | Demonic Consultation | |
悪魔の教示者/Demonic Tutor | (+1) | 1 | 悪魔の教示者/Demonic Tutor | |
強迫/Duress | 4 | 4 | 強迫/Duress | |
残響する真実/Echoing Truth | (+1) | 1 | 残響する真実/Echoing Truth | |
探検の地図/Expedition Map | 4 | (-4) | 探検の地図/Expedition Map | |
根絶/Extirpate | (+2) | 2 | 根絶/Extirpate | |
不気味な教示者/Grim Tutor | (+3) | 3 | 不気味な教示者/Grim Tutor | |
Library of Alexandria | (+1) | 1 | Library of Alexandria | |
水蓮の花びら/Lotus Petal | (+1) | 1 | 水蓮の花びら/Lotus Petal | |
Mox Jet | (+1) | 1 | Mox Jet | |
Mox Sapphire | (+1) | 1 | Mox Sapphire | |
ネクロポーテンス/Necropotence | (+1) | 1 | ネクロポーテンス/Necropotence | |
夜の囁き/Night's Whisper | (+3) | 3 | 夜の囁き/Night's Whisper | |
敵対工作員/Opposition Agent | 3 | (-3) | 敵対工作員/Opposition Agent | |
真髄の針/Pithing Needle | 4 | (-4) | 真髄の針/Pithing Needle | |
汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | (+3) | 3 | 汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | |
影槍/Shadowspear | 1 | (-1) | 影槍/Shadowspear | |
露天鉱床/Strip Mine | (+1) | 1 | 露天鉱床/Strip Mine | |
沼/Swamp | 6 | (-2) | 4 | 沼/Swamp |
苦悶の触手/Tendrils of Agony | (+3) | 3 | 苦悶の触手/Tendrils of Agony | |
演劇の舞台/Thespian's Stage | 4 | (-4) | 演劇の舞台/Thespian's Stage | |
思考囲い/Thoughtseize | 4 | (-4) | 思考囲い/Thoughtseize | |
Underground Sea | (+2) | 2 | Underground Sea | |
ヨーグモスの墳墓、アーボーグ/Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth | 4 | (-4) | ヨーグモスの墳墓、アーボーグ/Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth | |
ウルザの物語/Urza's Saga | 4 | (-4) | ウルザの物語/Urza's Saga | |
吸血鬼の呪詛術士/Vampire Hexmage | 4 | (-4) | 吸血鬼の呪詛術士/Vampire Hexmage | |
吸血の教示者/Vampiric Tutor | (+1) | 1 | 吸血の教示者/Vampiric Tutor | |
不毛の大地/Wasteland | (+1) | 1 | 不毛の大地/Wasteland | |
ヨーグモスの意志/Yawgmoth's Will | (+1) | 1 | ヨーグモスの意志/Yawgmoth's Will |
Mono-Black Depths(Legacy) | Confidant Tendrils | |||
陰謀団の貴重品室/Cabal Coffers | 1 | (-1) | 陰謀団の貴重品室/Cabal Coffers | |
蒸気の連鎖/Chain of Vapor | (+1) | 1 | 蒸気の連鎖/Chain of Vapor | |
暗黒破/Darkblast | (+1) | 1 | 暗黒破/Darkblast | |
引き裂かれし永劫、エムラクール/Emrakul, the Aeons Torn | 1 | (-1) | 引き裂かれし永劫、エムラクール/Emrakul, the Aeons Torn | |
ウギンの目/Eye of Ugin | 1 | (-1) | ウギンの目/Eye of Ugin | |
Helm of Obedience | 4 | (-4) | Helm of Obedience | |
ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | (+1) | 1 | ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | |
不正利得/Ill-Gotten Gains | (+2) | 2 | 不正利得/Ill-Gotten Gains | |
カラカス/Karakas | 1 | (-1) | カラカス/Karakas | |
虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | 4 | 4 | 虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | |
虐殺/Massacre | (+2) | 2 | 虐殺/Massacre | |
無のロッド/Null Rod | (+3) | 3 | 無のロッド/Null Rod | |
疫病を仕組むもの/Plague Engineer | 2 | (-2) | 疫病を仕組むもの/Plague Engineer | |
倦怠の宝珠/Torpor Orb | 1 | (-1) | 倦怠の宝珠/Torpor Orb | |
不毛の大地/Wasteland | (+1) | 1 | 不毛の大地/Wasteland |