Jund Broodscale(Pauper)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2025年01月01日 18:09
Jund Broodscale(Pauper) | 黒緑紙束 | |||
アシュノッドの供犠台/Ashnod's Altar | (+2) | 2 | アシュノッドの供犠台/Ashnod's Altar | |
バンシー/Banshee | (+1) | 1 | バンシー/Banshee | |
Basal Thrull | (+4) | 4 | Basal Thrull | |
日を浴びる繁殖鱗/Basking Broodscale | 4 | (-4) | 日を浴びる繁殖鱗/Basking Broodscale | |
血の泉/Blood Fountain | 2 | (-2) | 血の泉/Blood Fountain | |
底無しの縦穴/Bottomless Vault | (+1) | 1 | 底無しの縦穴/Bottomless Vault | |
増殖槽/Breeding Pit | (+2) | 2 | 増殖槽/Breeding Pit | |
彩色の星/Chromatic Star | 1 | (-1) | 彩色の星/Chromatic Star | |
浄化の野火/Cleansing Wildfire | 4 | (-4) | 浄化の野火/Cleansing Wildfire | |
崩壊/Crumble | (+1) | 1 | 崩壊/Crumble | |
暗闇苔の橋/Darkmoss Bridge | 1 | (-1) | 暗闇苔の橋/Darkmoss Bridge | |
命取りの論争/Deadly Dispute | 4 | (-4) | 命取りの論争/Deadly Dispute | |
鉱滓造の橋/Drossforge Bridge | 4 | (-4) | 鉱滓造の橋/Drossforge Bridge | |
Ebon Praetor | (+2) | 2 | Ebon Praetor | |
Elvish Hunter | (+2) | 2 | Elvish Hunter | |
進化の証人/Evolution Witness | 3 | (-3) | 進化の証人/Evolution Witness | |
堕天使/Fallen Angel | (+1) | 1 | 堕天使/Fallen Angel | |
森/Forest | 3 | (+8) | 11 | 森/Forest |
Forgotten Lore | (+1) | 1 | Forgotten Lore | |
墓いらずのゾンビ/Gravebane Zombie | (+2) | 2 | 墓いらずのゾンビ/Gravebane Zombie | |
Helm of Obedience | (+2) | 2 | Helm of Obedience | |
彼方からの雄叫び/Howl from Beyond | (+4) | 4 | 彼方からの雄叫び/Howl from Beyond | |
ハリケーン/Hurricane | (+2) | 2 | ハリケーン/Hurricane | |
胆液の水源/Ichor Wellspring | 3 | (-3) | 胆液の水源/Ichor Wellspring | |
クラーク族のシャーマン/Krark-Clan Shaman | 2 | (-2) | クラーク族のシャーマン/Krark-Clan Shaman | |
クロヴの吸血鬼/Krovikan Vampire | (+1) | 1 | クロヴの吸血鬼/Krovikan Vampire | |
間に合わせの砲弾/Makeshift Munitions | 2 | (-2) | 間に合わせの砲弾/Makeshift Munitions | |
邪悪鳴らし/Malevolent Rumble | 4 | (-4) | 邪悪鳴らし/Malevolent Rumble | |
山/Mountain | 1 | (-1) | 山/Mountain | |
夜の土/Night Soil | (+2) | 2 | 夜の土/Night Soil | |
踏み荒らし/Overrun | (+1) | 1 | 踏み荒らし/Overrun | |
貪欲なる吸血鬼/Ravenous Vampire | (+1) | 1 | 貪欲なる吸血鬼/Ravenous Vampire | |
回収/Reclaim | (+1) | 1 | 回収/Reclaim | |
サディスト的喜び/Sadistic Glee | 4 | (-4) | サディスト的喜び/Sadistic Glee | |
センギアの従臣/Sengir Autocrat | (+1) | 1 | センギアの従臣/Sengir Autocrat | |
鋸刃の矢/Serrated Arrows | (+1) | 1 | 鋸刃の矢/Serrated Arrows | |
髑髏カタパルト/Skull Catapult | (+2) | 2 | 髑髏カタパルト/Skull Catapult | |
熔融林の橋/Slagwoods Bridge | 4 | (-4) | 熔融林の橋/Slagwoods Bridge | |
Spore Cloud | (+3) | 3 | Spore Cloud | |
スタンピード/Stampede | (+1) | 1 | スタンピード/Stampede | |
沼/Swamp | 4 | (+9) | 13 | 沼/Swamp |
タミヨウの保管/Tamiyo's Safekeeping | 2 | (-2) | タミヨウの保管/Tamiyo's Safekeeping | |
サリッド/Thallid | (+3) | 3 | サリッド/Thallid | |
Thallid Devourer | (+1) | 1 | Thallid Devourer | |
蜂の巣/The Hive | (+1) | 1 | 蜂の巣/The Hive | |
Thelonite Druid | (+1) | 1 | Thelonite Druid | |
Thorn Thallid | (+1) | 1 | Thorn Thallid | |
平穏/Tranquility | (+1) | 1 | 平穏/Tranquility | |
伝承の樹/Tree of Tales | 1 | (-1) | 伝承の樹/Tree of Tales | |
三畳紀の卵/Triassic Egg | (+1) | 1 | 三畳紀の卵/Triassic Egg | |
屈曲地帯/Twisted Landscape | 3 | (-3) | 屈曲地帯/Twisted Landscape | |
のたうつ蛹/Writhing Chrysalis | 4 | (-4) | のたうつ蛹/Writhing Chrysalis |
Jund Broodscale(Pauper) | 黒緑紙束 | |||
Armor Thrull | (+1) | 1 | Armor Thrull | |
ブレス攻撃/Breath Weapon | 3 | (-3) | ブレス攻撃/Breath Weapon | |
Elvish Hunter | (+2) | 2 | Elvish Hunter | |
饗宴か飢餓か/Feast or Famine | (+2) | 2 | 饗宴か飢餓か/Feast or Famine | |
Fungal Bloom | (+1) | 1 | Fungal Bloom | |
ゴリラのシャーマン/Gorilla Shaman | 1 | (-1) | ゴリラのシャーマン/Gorilla Shaman | |
虚ろの森/Hollow Trees | (+1) | 1 | 虚ろの森/Hollow Trees | |
Jeweled Amulet | (+1) | 1 | Jeweled Amulet | |
精神攪乱スラル/Mindstab Thrull | (+1) | 1 | 精神攪乱スラル/Mindstab Thrull | |
ネクライト/Necrite | (+1) | 1 | ネクライト/Necrite | |
殺し/Snuff Out | 4 | (-4) | 殺し/Snuff Out | |
命の川/Stream of Life | (+2) | 2 | 命の川/Stream of Life | |
シルヴォクの生命杖/Sylvok Lifestaff | 2 | (-2) | シルヴォクの生命杖/Sylvok Lifestaff | |
Thrull Champion | (+2) | 2 | Thrull Champion | |
平穏/Tranquility | (+1) | 1 | 平穏/Tranquility | |
やんちゃなアウフ/Troublemaker Ouphe | 2 | (-2) | やんちゃなアウフ/Troublemaker Ouphe | |
嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm | 3 | (-3) | 嵐の乗り切り/Weather the Storm |