Breach Storm(Vintage)
投稿者:tom 投稿日時:2024年12月27日 23:07
Breach Storm(Vintage) | Gush Storm | |||
Ancestral Recall | 1 | 1 | Ancestral Recall | |
ブラック・ロータス/Black Lotus | 1 | 1 | ブラック・ロータス/Black Lotus | |
ボーラスの城塞/Bolas's Citadel | 1 | (-1) | ボーラスの城塞/Bolas's Citadel | |
思考停止/Brain Freeze | 1 | (-1) | 思考停止/Brain Freeze | |
渦まく知識/Brainstorm | 1 | 1 | 渦まく知識/Brainstorm | |
蒸気の連鎖/Chain of Vapor | (+1) | 1 | 蒸気の連鎖/Chain of Vapor | |
ダク・フェイデン/Dack Fayden | 2 | (-2) | ダク・フェイデン/Dack Fayden | |
悪魔の教示者/Demonic Tutor | 1 | 1 | 悪魔の教示者/Demonic Tutor | |
巣穴からの総出/Empty the Warrens | (+1) | 1 | 巣穴からの総出/Empty the Warrens | |
嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | (+1) | 1 | 嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | |
Fastbond | (+1) | 1 | Fastbond | |
致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | 1 | (-1) | 致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | |
火/Fire | (+2) | 2 | 火/Fire | |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 2 | 2 | 溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | |
否定の力/Force of Negation | 1 | (-1) | 否定の力/Force of Negation | |
意志の力/Force of Will | 4 | 4 | 意志の力/Force of Will | |
けちな贈り物/Gifts Ungiven | (+1) | 1 | けちな贈り物/Gifts Ungiven | |
ギタクシア派の調査/Gitaxian Probe | 1 | (-1) | ギタクシア派の調査/Gitaxian Probe | |
噴出/Gush | (+4) | 4 | 噴出/Gush | |
船殻破り/Hullbreacher | 3 | (-3) | 船殻破り/Hullbreacher | |
ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | (+1) | 1 | ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | |
島/Island | 1 | (+1) | 2 | 島/Island |
水蓮の花びら/Lotus Petal | 1 | 1 | 水蓮の花びら/Lotus Petal | |
魔力の墓所/Mana Crypt | 1 | 1 | 魔力の墓所/Mana Crypt | |
マナ吸収/Mana Drain | (+3) | 3 | マナ吸収/Mana Drain | |
魔力の櫃/Mana Vault | (+1) | 1 | 魔力の櫃/Mana Vault | |
精神的つまづき/Mental Misstep | 1 | (-1) | 精神的つまづき/Mental Misstep | |
商人の巻物/Merchant Scroll | (+1) | 1 | 商人の巻物/Merchant Scroll | |
霧深い雨林/Misty Rainforest | 1 | 1 | 霧深い雨林/Misty Rainforest | |
Mox Emerald | 1 | 1 | Mox Emerald | |
Mox Jet | 1 | 1 | Mox Jet | |
Mox Pearl | 1 | 1 | Mox Pearl | |
Mox Ruby | 1 | 1 | Mox Ruby | |
Mox Sapphire | 1 | 1 | Mox Sapphire | |
神秘の教示者/Mystical Tutor | 1 | 1 | 神秘の教示者/Mystical Tutor | |
汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta |
思案/Ponder | 4 | (-3) | 1 | 思案/Ponder |
紅蓮破/Pyroblast | 2 | (-2) | 紅蓮破/Pyroblast | |
再建/Rebuild | (+1) | 1 | 再建/Rebuild | |
撤廃/Repeal | (+3) | 3 | 撤廃/Repeal | |
沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | 1 | 1 | 沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | |
師範の占い独楽/Sensei's Divining Top | 1 | 1 | 師範の占い独楽/Sensei's Divining Top | |
太陽の指輪/Sol Ring | 1 | 1 | 太陽の指輪/Sol Ring | |
苦悶の触手/Tendrils of Agony | (+1) | 1 | 苦悶の触手/Tendrils of Agony | |
Time Walk | 1 | 1 | Time Walk | |
Timetwister | 1 | 1 | Timetwister | |
修繕/Tinker | 1 | (-1) | 修繕/Tinker | |
トレイリアのアカデミー/Tolarian Academy | 1 | 1 | トレイリアのアカデミー/Tolarian Academy | |
Tropical Island | (+1) | 1 | Tropical Island | |
Underground Sea | 3 | 3 | Underground Sea | |
死の国からの脱出/Underworld Breach | 2 | (-2) | 死の国からの脱出/Underworld Breach | |
ウルザの物語/Urza's Saga | 1 | (-1) | ウルザの物語/Urza's Saga | |
吸血の教示者/Vampiric Tutor | 1 | 1 | 吸血の教示者/Vampiric Tutor | |
Volcanic Island | 3 | 3 | Volcanic Island | |
水浸しの教え/Waterlogged Teachings | 3 | (-3) | 水浸しの教え/Waterlogged Teachings | |
Wheel of Fortune | 1 | (-1) | Wheel of Fortune | |
ヨーグモスの意志/Yawgmoth's Will | (+1) | 1 | ヨーグモスの意志/Yawgmoth's Will |
Breach Storm(Vintage) | Gush Storm | |||
削剥/Abrade | 1 | (-1) | 削剥/Abrade | |
巣穴からの総出/Empty the Warrens | (+1) | 1 | 巣穴からの総出/Empty the Warrens | |
致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | 2 | (-2) | 致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | |
否定の力/Force of Negation | 2 | (-2) | 否定の力/Force of Negation | |
ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | (+1) | 1 | ハーキルの召還術/Hurkyl's Recall | |
鋳塊かじり/Ingot Chewer | (+3) | 3 | 鋳塊かじり/Ingot Chewer | |
虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | 4 | (-4) | 虚空の力線/Leyline of the Void | |
稲妻/Lightning Bolt | 1 | (-1) | 稲妻/Lightning Bolt | |
曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | (+1) | 1 | 曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | |
虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb | (+3) | 3 | 虚無の呪文爆弾/Nihil Spellbomb | |
真髄の針/Pithing Needle | 3 | (-1) | 2 | 真髄の針/Pithing Needle |
紅蓮破/Pyroblast | 1 | 1 | 紅蓮破/Pyroblast | |
赤霊破/Red Elemental Blast | (+1) | 1 | 赤霊破/Red Elemental Blast | |
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale | 1 | (-1) | The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale | |
思考囲い/Thoughtseize | (+2) | 2 | 思考囲い/Thoughtseize |