WU God-Pharaoh's Gift
投稿者:Yukikaze 投稿日時:2017年07月30日 21:43
WU God-Pharaoh's Gift | WU Flash | |||
発明の天使/Angel of Invention | 3 | (-3) | 発明の天使/Angel of Invention | |
大天使アヴァシン/Archangel Avacyn | (+4) | 4 | 大天使アヴァシン/Archangel Avacyn | |
激変の機械巨人/Cataclysmic Gearhulk | 3 | (-3) | 激変の機械巨人/Cataclysmic Gearhulk | |
機知の勇者/Champion of Wits | 4 | (-4) | 機知の勇者/Champion of Wits | |
石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | (+1) | 1 | 石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | |
農場/Farm | 1 | (-1) | 農場/Farm | |
ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | (+3) | 3 | ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | |
王神の贈り物/God-Pharaoh's Gift | 4 | (-4) | 王神の贈り物/God-Pharaoh's Gift | |
敵意ある砂漠/Hostile Desert | 2 | (-2) | 敵意ある砂漠/Hostile Desert | |
イプヌの細流/Ipnu Rivulet | 3 | (-3) | イプヌの細流/Ipnu Rivulet | |
灌漑農地/Irrigated Farmland | 2 | (-2) | 灌漑農地/Irrigated Farmland | |
島/Island | 3 | (+3) | 6 | 島/Island |
査問長官/Minister of Inquiries | 4 | (-4) | 査問長官/Minister of Inquiries | |
不敬の皇子、オーメンダール/Ormendahl, Profane Prince | (+1) | 1 | 不敬の皇子、オーメンダール/Ormendahl, Profane Prince | |
平地/Plains | 7 | (+3) | 10 | 平地/Plains |
港町/Port Town | 4 | 4 | 港町/Port Town | |
大草原の川/Prairie Stream | 4 | 4 | 大草原の川/Prairie Stream | |
鎖鳴らし/Rattlechains | (+2) | 2 | 鎖鳴らし/Rattlechains | |
反射魔道士/Reflector Mage | (+4) | 4 | 反射魔道士/Reflector Mage | |
復元/Refurbish | 4 | (-4) | 復元/Refurbish | |
無私の霊魂/Selfless Spirit | (+4) | 4 | 無私の霊魂/Selfless Spirit | |
密輸人の回転翼機/Smuggler's Copter | (+4) | 4 | 密輸人の回転翼機/Smuggler's Copter | |
呪文捕らえ/Spell Queller | (+4) | 4 | 呪文捕らえ/Spell Queller | |
停滞の罠/Stasis Snare | (+4) | 4 | 停滞の罠/Stasis Snare | |
巧みな軍略/Strategic Planning | 4 | (-4) | 巧みな軍略/Strategic Planning | |
陽光鞭の勇者/Sunscourge Champion | 4 | (-4) | 陽光鞭の勇者/Sunscourge Champion | |
スレイベンの検査官/Thraben Inspector | 4 | 4 | スレイベンの検査官/Thraben Inspector | |
虚空の粉砕/Void Shatter | (+1) | 1 | 虚空の粉砕/Void Shatter |
WU God-Pharaoh's Gift | WU Flash | |||
霊気溶融/Aether Meltdown | 3 | (-3) | 霊気溶融/Aether Meltdown | |
賞罰の天使/Angel of Sanctions | 2 | (-2) | 賞罰の天使/Angel of Sanctions | |
神聖な協力/Blessed Alliance | (+2) | 2 | 神聖な協力/Blessed Alliance | |
儀礼的拒否/Ceremonious Rejection | (+2) | 2 | 儀礼的拒否/Ceremonious Rejection | |
石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | (+1) | 1 | 石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | |
払拭/Dispel | 1 | (-1) | 払拭/Dispel | |
俗物の放棄/Forsake the Worldly | 1 | (-1) | 俗物の放棄/Forsake the Worldly | |
断片化/Fragmentize | (+2) | 2 | 断片化/Fragmentize | |
燻蒸/Fumigate | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 燻蒸/Fumigate |
ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | (+1) | 1 | ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | |
保護者、リンヴァーラ/Linvala, the Preserver | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 保護者、リンヴァーラ/Linvala, the Preserver |
否認/Negate | 4 | (-2) | 2 | 否認/Negate |
即時却下/Summary Dismissal | (+2) | 2 | 即時却下/Summary Dismissal | |
虚空の粉砕/Void Shatter | (+1) | 1 | 虚空の粉砕/Void Shatter |
プロツアー「破滅の刻」 第63位 構築6-4