Jeskai Control(Vintage)
投稿者:Yukikaze 投稿日時:2015年08月24日 21:14
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
ダク・フェイデン/Dack Fayden | 4 | \480.0 | \1920.0 | \885.9 | \3543.6 |
精神を刻む者、ジェイス/Jace, the Mind Sculptor | 2 | \1350.0 | \2700.0 | \2378.5 | \4757.1 |
卓絶のナーセット/Narset Transcendent | 1 | \300.0 | \300.0 | \682.3 | \682.3 |
瞬唱の魔道士/Snapcaster Mage | 1 | \1080.0 | \1080.0 | \2354.6 | \2354.6 |
Time Walk | 1 | \72000.0 | \72000.0 | \645363.4 | \645363.4 |
思案/Ponder | 1 | \200.0 | \200.0 | \659.8 | \659.8 |
定業/Preordain | 3 | \108.0 | \324.0 | \427.6 | \1282.8 |
宝船の巡航/Treasure Cruise | 1 | \20.0 | \20.0 | \71.6 | \71.6 |
至高の評決/Supreme Verdict | 1 | \230.0 | \230.0 | \488.9 | \488.9 |
狼狽の嵐/Flusterstorm | 2 | \600.0 | \1200.0 | \1476.3 | \2952.6 |
意志の力/Force of Will | 4 | \7840.0 | \31360.0 | \11805.6 | \47222.6 |
マナ吸収/Mana Drain | 2 | \2390.0 | \4780.0 | \7020.0 | \14040.1 |
精神的つまづき/Mental Misstep | 3 | \580.0 | \1740.0 | \1341.0 | \4023.1 |
紅蓮破/Pyroblast | 2 | \320.0 | \640.0 | \830.3 | \1660.7 |
Ancestral Recall | 1 | \100000.0 | \100000.0 | \992082.9 | \992082.9 |
渦まく知識/Brainstorm | 1 | \70.0 | \70.0 | \278.3 | \278.3 |
時を越えた探索/Dig Through Time | 3 | \50.0 | \150.0 | \155.3 | \466.0 |
剣を鍬に/Swords to Plowshares | 2 | \100.0 | \200.0 | \358.9 | \717.8 |
ブラック・ロータス/Black Lotus | 1 | \1750.0 | \1750.0 | \2378925.9 | \2378925.9 |
Mox Sapphire | 1 | \120000.0 | \120000.0 | \821952.2 | \821952.2 |
Mox Jet | 1 | \405000.0 | \405000.0 | \618999.9 | \618999.9 |
Mox Ruby | 1 | \359999.0 | \359999.0 | \733951.8 | \733951.8 |
Mox Emerald | 1 | \348000.0 | \348000.0 | \737723.7 | \737723.7 |
Mox Pearl | 1 | \360000.0 | \360000.0 | \742764.5 | \742764.5 |
魔力の墓所/Mana Crypt | 1 | \7650.0 | \7650.0 | \14187.2 | \14187.2 |
太陽の指輪/Sol Ring | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \318.8 | \318.8 |
Moat | 1 | \70000.0 | \70000.0 | \140999.9 | \140999.9 |
Library of Alexandria | 1 | \118000.0 | \118000.0 | \144499.8 | \144499.8 |
島/Island | 2 | \9.0 | \18.0 | \46.1 | \92.1 |
Tundra | 3 | \25000.0 | \75000.0 | \113938.4 | \341815.3 |
Volcanic Island | 3 | \37800.0 | \113400.0 | \149574.4 | \448723.1 |
汚染された三角州/Polluted Delta | 3 | \1380.0 | \4140.0 | \3837.5 | \11512.5 |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 4 | \1130.0 | \4520.0 | \3080.8 | \12323.2 | 60 | \2206421.0 | \8871438.1 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
紅蓮破/Pyroblast | 1 | \320.0 | \320.0 | \830.3 | \830.3 |
剣を鍬に/Swords to Plowshares | 1 | \100.0 | \100.0 | \358.9 | \358.9 |
トーモッドの墓所/Tormod's Crypt | 2 | \40.0 | \80.0 | \182.5 | \365.0 |
真髄の針/Pithing Needle | 1 | \50.0 | \50.0 | \283.5 | \283.5 |
封じ込める僧侶/Containment Priest | 4 | \90.0 | \360.0 | \288.8 | \1155.1 |
鋳塊かじり/Ingot Chewer | 4 | \27.0 | \108.0 | \75.8 | \303.4 |
摩耗+損耗/Wear+Tear | 1 | \100.0 | \100.0 | \335.1 | \335.1 |
山/Mountain | 1 | \9.0 | \9.0 | \43.8 | \43.8 | 15 | \1127.0 | \3675.2 |
ヴィンテージ選手権15 ベスト8