Swan Control(Modern)
投稿者:Yukikaze 投稿日時:2015年05月15日 05:37
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
瞬唱の魔道士/Snapcaster Mage | 3 | \1264.0 | \3792.0 | \2557.9 | \7673.7 |
魂火の大導師/Soulfire Grand Master | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \148.2 | \296.3 |
ブリン・アーゴルの白鳥/Swans of Bryn Argoll | 4 | \50.0 | \200.0 | \122.7 | \490.7 |
神々の憤怒/Anger of the Gods | 2 | \50.0 | \100.0 | \209.2 | \418.4 |
血清の幻視/Serum Visions | 4 | \35.0 | \140.0 | \122.3 | \489.2 |
謎めいた命令/Cryptic Command | 2 | \400.0 | \800.0 | \773.6 | \1547.2 |
収穫の火/Harvest Pyre | 1 | \27.0 | \27.0 | \53.1 | \53.1 |
稲妻/Lightning Bolt | 4 | \90.0 | \360.0 | \425.9 | \1703.5 |
マナ漏出/Mana Leak | 2 | \10.0 | \20.0 | \58.9 | \117.8 |
差し戻し/Remand | 4 | \80.0 | \320.0 | \198.6 | \794.5 |
雪崩し/Skred | 4 | \250.0 | \1000.0 | \412.9 | \1651.5 |
呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | 2 | \840.0 | \1680.0 | \1122.6 | \2245.1 |
頑固な否認/Stubborn Denial | 4 | \100.0 | \400.0 | \287.6 | \1150.4 |
乾燥台地/Arid Mesa | 3 | \1980.0 | \5940.0 | \3149.2 | \9447.5 |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 3 | \1300.0 | \3900.0 | \3276.3 | \9829.0 |
ロノムの口/Mouth of Ronom | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \161.0 | \161.0 |
聖なる鋳造所/Sacred Foundry | 1 | \1390.0 | \1390.0 | \2271.0 | \2271.0 |
沸騰する小湖/Scalding Tarn | 4 | \2680.0 | \10720.0 | \3986.2 | \15944.9 |
占術の岩床/Scrying Sheets | 1 | \380.0 | \380.0 | \665.0 | \665.0 |
冠雪の島/Snow-Covered Island | 4 | \50.0 | \200.0 | \197.5 | \790.1 |
冠雪の山/Snow-Covered Mountain | 3 | \30.0 | \90.0 | \124.7 | \374.0 |
冠雪の平地/Snow-Covered Plains | 1 | \30.0 | \30.0 | \124.3 | \124.3 |
蒸気孔/Steam Vents | 1 | \1450.0 | \1450.0 | \3080.3 | \3080.3 | 60 | \33009.0 | \61318.4 |
カード名 | 枚数 | 最安 | 小計 | トリム平均 | 小計 |
殴打頭蓋/Batterskull | 1 | \410.0 | \410.0 | \703.5 | \703.5 |
血染めの月/Blood Moon | 2 | \880.0 | \1760.0 | \1854.5 | \3708.9 |
天界の粛清/Celestial Purge | 2 | \24.0 | \48.0 | \77.2 | \154.5 |
対抗変転/Counterflux | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \70.6 | \141.1 |
仕組まれた爆薬/Engineered Explosives | 1 | \500.0 | \500.0 | \1408.3 | \1408.3 |
嵐の神、ケラノス/Keranos, God of Storms | 1 | \80.0 | \80.0 | \367.7 | \367.7 |
稲妻のらせん/Lightning Helix | 2 | \20.0 | \40.0 | \110.3 | \220.6 |
引き裂く流弾/Rending Volley | 1 | \70.0 | \70.0 | \268.0 | \268.0 |
粉砕の嵐/Shatterstorm | 1 | \10.0 | \10.0 | \130.8 | \130.8 |
石のような静寂/Stony Silence | 1 | \1100.0 | \1100.0 | \1477.7 | \1477.7 |
摩耗+損耗/Wear+Tear | 1 | \160.0 | \160.0 | \343.4 | \343.4 | 15 | \4218.0 | \8924.5 |
MODERN DAILY #8273519 ON 05/13/2015