投稿者:としお 投稿日時:2006年10月18日 23:32
ずべらスター | 緑黒スピリットデッキ | |||
灰色肌のずべら/Ashen-Skin Zubera | 4 | 4 | 灰色肌のずべら/Ashen-Skin Zubera | |
貪る強欲/Devouring Greed | 4 | 4 | 貪る強欲/Devouring Greed | |
貪る憤怒/Devouring Rage | 2 | (-2) | 貪る憤怒/Devouring Rage | |
よだれ舌のずべら/Dripping-Tongue Zubera | 4 | 4 | よだれ舌のずべら/Dripping-Tongue Zubera | |
樹海の古松/Elder Pine of Jukai | 4 | 4 | 樹海の古松/Elder Pine of Jukai | |
燃えさし拳のずべら/Ember-Fist Zubera | 4 | (-4) | 燃えさし拳のずべら/Ember-Fist Zubera | |
浮き夢のずべら/Floating-Dream Zubera | 4 | (-4) | 浮き夢のずべら/Floating-Dream Zubera | |
森/Forest | 9 | (+2) | 11 | 森/Forest |
霊界への門、神ヶ眼/Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai | (+3) | 3 | 霊界への門、神ヶ眼/Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai | |
生相の否命/Iname, Life Aspect | (+1) | 1 | 生相の否命/Iname, Life Aspect | |
島/Island | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 島/Island |
南の樹の木霊/Kodama of the South Tree | (+2) | 2 | 南の樹の木霊/Kodama of the South Tree | |
木霊の手の内/Kodama's Reach | 4 | 4 | 木霊の手の内/Kodama's Reach | |
壌土に住むもの/Loam Dweller | (+3) | 3 | 壌土に住むもの/Loam Dweller | |
曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | (+1) | 1 | 曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | |
山/Mountain | 4 | (-4) | 山/Mountain | |
生網明神/Myojin of Life's Web | (+1) | 1 | 生網明神/Myojin of Life's Web | |
花鬣の獏/Petalmane Baku | 4 | (-4) | 花鬣の獏/Petalmane Baku | |
平地/Plains | 2 | (-2) | 平地/Plains | |
沈黙の歌のずべら/Silent-Chant Zubera | 4 | (-4) | 沈黙の歌のずべら/Silent-Chant Zubera | |
泥穿ち/Soilshaper | (+4) | 4 | 泥穿ち/Soilshaper | |
沼/Swamp | 5 | (+2) | 7 | 沼/Swamp |
希望の盗人/Thief of Hope | (+4) | 4 | 希望の盗人/Thief of Hope | |
緊急時/Time of Need | (+2) | 2 | 緊急時/Time of Need |
ずべらスター | 緑黒スピリットデッキ | |||
頭蓋の摘出/Cranial Extraction | (+4) | 4 | 頭蓋の摘出/Cranial Extraction | |
英雄の死/Hero's Demise | (+2) | 2 | 英雄の死/Hero's Demise | |
北の樹の木霊/Kodama of the North Tree | (+1) | 1 | 北の樹の木霊/Kodama of the North Tree | |
夜の星、黒瘴/Kokusho, the Evening Star | (+2) | 2 | 夜の星、黒瘴/Kokusho, the Evening Star | |
帰化/Naturalize | (+3) | 3 | 帰化/Naturalize | |
梅澤の十手/Umezawa's Jitte | (+3) | 3 | 梅澤の十手/Umezawa's Jitte |