投稿者:りゅうる 投稿日時:2006年02月16日 02:41
WUオーラ掠りの魔道士 | 蒼白 | |||
アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes | 4 | 4 | アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes | |
オーラ掠りの魔道士/Auratouched Mage | 4 | (-4) | オーラ掠りの魔道士/Auratouched Mage | |
卑下/Condescend | (+4) | 4 | 卑下/Condescend | |
残響する真実/Echoing Truth | (+3) | 3 | 残響する真実/Echoing Truth | |
最後の裁き/Final Judgment | (+3) | 3 | 最後の裁き/Final Judgment | |
ちらつく形態/Flickerform | 3 | (-3) | ちらつく形態/Flickerform | |
感電の弧炎/Galvanic Arc | 3 | (-3) | 感電の弧炎/Galvanic Arc | |
邪魔/Hinder | (+4) | 4 | 邪魔/Hinder | |
島/Island | 8 | (+3) | 11 | 島/Island |
潮の星、京河/Keiga, the Tide Star | (+2) | 2 | 潮の星、京河/Keiga, the Tide Star | |
マナ漏出/Mana Leak | 4 | (-1) | 3 | マナ漏出/Mana Leak |
曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | (+1) | 1 | 曇り鏡のメロク/Meloku the Clouded Mirror | |
水辺の学舎、水面院/Minamo, School at Water's Edge | (+1) | 1 | 水辺の学舎、水面院/Minamo, School at Water's Edge | |
交錯の混乱/Muddle the Mixture | 3 | (-3) | 交錯の混乱/Muddle the Mixture | |
平地/Plains | 8 | (-1) | 7 | 平地/Plains |
清純な天使/Pristine Angel | (+1) | 1 | 清純な天使/Pristine Angel | |
巻き直し/Rewind | 3 | (-1) | 2 | 巻き直し/Rewind |
聖なる鋳造所/Sacred Foundry | 4 | (-4) | 聖なる鋳造所/Sacred Foundry | |
師範の占い独楽/Sensei's Divining Top | (+3) | 3 | 師範の占い独楽/Sensei's Divining Top | |
物語の円/Story Circle | 4 | (-4) | 物語の円/Story Circle | |
時間の把握/Telling Time | 4 | (-4) | 時間の把握/Telling Time | |
泥棒カササギ/Thieving Magpie | 4 | (-4) | 泥棒カササギ/Thieving Magpie | |
知識の渇望/Thirst for Knowledge | (+4) | 4 | 知識の渇望/Thirst for Knowledge | |
旅人のガラクタ/Wayfarer's Bauble | (+3) | 3 | 旅人のガラクタ/Wayfarer's Bauble | |
神の怒り/Wrath of God | 4 | 4 | 神の怒り/Wrath of God |
WUオーラ掠りの魔道士 | 蒼白 | |||
無効/Annul | (+4) | 4 | 無効/Annul | |
黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black | (+3) | 3 | 黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black | |
赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | (+3) | 3 | 赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | |
天羅至の掌握/Terashi's Grasp | (+4) | 4 | 天羅至の掌握/Terashi's Grasp |