投稿者:nobody 投稿日時:2004年12月03日 17:41
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無題デッキ | Esper Vehicles | |||
霊気拠点/Aether Hub | (+2) | 2 | 霊気拠点/Aether Hub | |
霊気圏の収集艇/Aethersphere Harvester | (+1) | 1 | 霊気圏の収集艇/Aethersphere Harvester | |
大天使アヴァシン/Archangel Avacyn | (+2) | 2 | 大天使アヴァシン/Archangel Avacyn | |
オーリオックのチャンピオン/Auriok Champion | 4 | (-4) | オーリオックのチャンピオン/Auriok Champion | |
排斥/Cast Out | (+1) | 1 | 排斥/Cast Out | |
赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | 2 | (-2) | 赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red | |
白の防御円/Circle of Protection: White | 4 | (-4) | 白の防御円/Circle of Protection: White | |
沿岸の塔/Coastal Tower | 4 | (-4) | 沿岸の塔/Coastal Tower | |
秘密の中庭/Concealed Courtyard | (+4) | 4 | 秘密の中庭/Concealed Courtyard | |
果敢な弟子/Daring Apprentice | 2 | (-2) | 果敢な弟子/Daring Apprentice | |
八ツ尾半/Eight-and-a-Half-Tails | 4 | (-4) | 八ツ尾半/Eight-and-a-Half-Tails | |
異臭の池/Fetid Pools | (+1) | 1 | 異臭の池/Fetid Pools | |
ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | (+4) | 4 | ゼンディカーの同盟者、ギデオン/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar | |
栄光半ばの修練者/Glory-Bound Initiate | (+3) | 3 | 栄光半ばの修練者/Glory-Bound Initiate | |
キランの真意号/Heart of Kiran | (+3) | 3 | キランの真意号/Heart of Kiran | |
灌漑農地/Irrigated Farmland | (+1) | 1 | 灌漑農地/Irrigated Farmland | |
島/Island | 6 | (-4) | 2 | 島/Island |
因果応報/Karma | 2 | (-2) | 因果応報/Karma | |
金属の叱責/Metallic Rebuke | (+3) | 3 | 金属の叱責/Metallic Rebuke | |
幻覚/Mind Bend | 4 | (-4) | 幻覚/Mind Bend | |
平地/Plains | 12 | (-6) | 6 | 平地/Plains |
港町/Port Town | (+4) | 4 | 港町/Port Town | |
屑鉄場のたかり屋/Scrapheap Scrounger | (+4) | 4 | 屑鉄場のたかり屋/Scrapheap Scrounger | |
無私の霊魂/Selfless Spirit | (+2) | 2 | 無私の霊魂/Selfless Spirit | |
呪文捕らえ/Spell Queller | (+4) | 4 | 呪文捕らえ/Spell Queller | |
トゲ尾の雛/Spiketail Hatchling | 4 | (-4) | トゲ尾の雛/Spiketail Hatchling | |
産業の塔/Spire of Industry | (+4) | 4 | 産業の塔/Spire of Industry | |
停滞の罠/Stasis Snare | (+1) | 1 | 停滞の罠/Stasis Snare | |
渦巻く霧/Swirl the Mists | 3 | (-3) | 渦巻く霧/Swirl the Mists | |
火と氷の剣/Sword of Fire and Ice | 2 | (-2) | 火と氷の剣/Sword of Fire and Ice | |
光と影の剣/Sword of Light and Shadow | 2 | (-2) | 光と影の剣/Sword of Light and Shadow | |
思考の急使/Thought Courier | 3 | (-3) | 思考の急使/Thought Courier | |
スレイベンの検査官/Thraben Inspector | (+4) | 4 | スレイベンの検査官/Thraben Inspector | |
模範的な造り手/Toolcraft Exemplar | (+4) | 4 | 模範的な造り手/Toolcraft Exemplar | |
崇拝/Worship | 2 | (-2) | 崇拝/Worship |
無題デッキ | Esper Vehicles | |||
石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | (+2) | 2 | 石の宣告/Declaration in Stone | |
黄昏/Dusk | (+1) | 1 | 黄昏/Dusk | |
致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | (+2) | 2 | 致命的な一押し/Fatal Push | |
燻蒸/Fumigate | (+2) | 2 | 燻蒸/Fumigate | |
ゲトの裏切り者、カリタス/Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet | (+1) | 1 | ゲトの裏切り者、カリタス/Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet | |
否認/Negate | (+2) | 2 | 否認/Negate | |
苦い真理/Painful Truths | (+1) | 1 | 苦い真理/Painful Truths | |
乱脈な気孔/Shambling Vent | (+1) | 1 | 乱脈な気孔/Shambling Vent | |
領事の旗艦、スカイソブリン/Skysovereign, Consul Flagship | (+1) | 1 | 領事の旗艦、スカイソブリン/Skysovereign, Consul Flagship | |
死の宿敵、ソリン/Sorin, Grim Nemesis | (+1) | 1 | 死の宿敵、ソリン/Sorin, Grim Nemesis | |
停滞の罠/Stasis Snare | (+1) | 1 | 停滞の罠/Stasis Snare |