Compressed Blue
投稿者:nobody 投稿日時:2004年10月24日 17:34
Compressed Blue | OLO2008-6 ScepterChant | |||
アカデミーの廃墟/Academy Ruins | (+1) | 1 | アカデミーの廃墟/Academy Ruins | |
蓄積した知識/Accumulated Knowledge | 4 | (-4) | 蓄積した知識/Accumulated Knowledge | |
無効/Annul | 3 | (-3) | 無効/Annul | |
基本に帰れ/Back to Basics | 3 | (-3) | 基本に帰れ/Back to Basics | |
渦まく知識/Brainstorm | 4 | 4 | 渦まく知識/Brainstorm | |
対抗呪文/Counterspell | 4 | 4 | 対抗呪文/Counterspell | |
謎めいた命令/Cryptic Command | (+2) | 2 | 謎めいた命令/Cryptic Command | |
狡猾な願い/Cunning Wish | (+3) | 3 | 狡猾な願い/Cunning Wish | |
目くらまし/Daze | 4 | (-4) | 目くらまし/Daze | |
嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | (+3) | 3 | 嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | |
溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | 4 | 4 | 溢れかえる岸辺/Flooded Strand | |
禁止/Forbid | 1 | (-1) | 禁止/Forbid | |
意志の力/Force of Will | 4 | 4 | 意志の力/Force of Will | |
直観/Intuition | 1 | (-1) | 直観/Intuition | |
島/Island | 14 | (+4) | 18 | 島/Island |
等時の王笏/Isochron Scepter | (+3) | 3 | 等時の王笏/Isochron Scepter | |
変異種/Morphling | 2 | (-1) | 1 | 変異種/Morphling |
知恵の蛇/Ophidian | 4 | (-4) | 知恵の蛇/Ophidian | |
選択/Opt | 4 | (-4) | 選択/Opt | |
平地/Plains | (+2) | 2 | 平地/Plains | |
火薬樽/Powder Keg | (+3) | 3 | 火薬樽/Powder Keg | |
呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | (+3) | 3 | 呪文嵌め/Spell Snare | |
ザルファーの魔道士、テフェリー/Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir | (+2) | 2 | ザルファーの魔道士、テフェリー/Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir | |
ヴィダルケンの枷/Vedalken Shackles | (+3) | 3 | ヴィダルケンの枷/Vedalken Shackles | |
不毛の大地/Wasteland | 4 | (-4) | 不毛の大地/Wasteland |
Compressed Blue | OLO2008-6 ScepterChant | |||
基本に帰れ/Back to Basics | 1 | (+2) | 3 | 基本に帰れ/Back to Basics |
青霊破/Blue Elemental Blast | (+1) | 1 | 青霊破/Blue Elemental Blast | |
残響する真実/Echoing Truth | (+1) | 1 | 残響する真実/Echoing Truth | |
根絶/Extirpate | (+1) | 1 | 根絶/Extirpate | |
嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | (+1) | 1 | 嘘か真か/Fact or Fiction | |
火/Fire | (+1) | 1 | 火/Fire | |
禁止/Forbid | (+1) | 1 | 禁止/Forbid | |
稲妻のらせん/Lightning Helix | (+1) | 1 | 稲妻のらせん/Lightning Helix | |
マスティコア/Masticore | 1 | (-1) | マスティコア/Masticore | |
無のロッド/Null Rod | 4 | (-4) | 無のロッド/Null Rod | |
オアリムの詠唱/Orim's Chant | (+2) | 2 | オアリムの詠唱/Orim's Chant | |
火薬樽/Powder Keg | 3 | (-3) | 火薬樽/Powder Keg | |
紅蓮破/Pyroblast | (+1) | 1 | 紅蓮破/Pyroblast | |
もみ消し/Stifle | 3 | (-3) | もみ消し/Stifle | |
剣を鍬に/Swords to Plowshares | (+1) | 1 | 剣を鍬に/Swords to Plowshares | |
トーモッドの墓所/Tormod's Crypt | 3 | (-3) | トーモッドの墓所/Tormod's Crypt | |
計略縛り/Trickbind | (+1) | 1 | 計略縛り/Trickbind |